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Ask the Experts: Is Something Wrong with my Odea's Sensors?

Ask the Experts: Is Something Wrong with my Odea's Sensors?

Saeco's Odea Go and Giro superautomatic espresso machines are a little bit on the tenderhearted side: They have sensitive sensors that are sometimes difficult to interpret. We commonly receive calls from customers who are being prompted to empty the waste drawer (dregs box and water tray located with the brew group on the right side of the machine) more often than they deem necessary. There are two sensor lights that can indicate this needs to happen:

This light specifically indicates that the dregs drawer needs to be emptied This light indicates any number of issues are present and is not specific -- you may need to add beans, add water or empty the dregs drawer
The dregs box that catches used pucks doesn't use a sensor that measures the volume, rather, it's based on cup count -- around every 10 shots it will indicate that the dregs box needs to be emptied. The waste water area under the brew group, however, is pressure sensitive and will indicate it needs to be emptied once a specific weight has been reached. If you see the warning light and empty only the dregs box and not the waste water drawer as well, it will reset the dregs box shot count but then indicate (likely shortly thereafter) that the drawer needs to be emptied again because the waste water has reached capacity. And vice versa. Another cause for the frequency may be that the dregs box was removed, emptied and placed back into the machine too quickly or when the machine was off, so that the shot count was not reset. You can easily keep these overactive lights at bay by thoroughly cleaning the dregs drawer -- both the box and the waste water area -- each time it indicates it needs to be emptied. Also, making sure you do this when the machine is on is very important. Finally, expect that it's going to happen about every 10 shots or so -- and if you're drinking 4 - 6 shots a day, you won't be able to let those little pucks hang out in the dregs drawer longer than a couple of days. If you've misplaced your user manual and want to refresh your memory on how your Odea functions, here are PDF versions of the Giro and Go.

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