Here's a dirty little SCG secret: Sometimes, we're a little shallow. We like pretty, shiny things and when we first began carrying Breville's espresso machines, we did so only because, well, they were pretty and shiny. At the time, most of the more budget-conscious models were rockin' plastic or powder coated metal cases, yet the Breville machines were lustrous, brushed stainless steel ... and we totally went for it. Sadly, in that first couple of years, we came to understand that their function did not measure up to their form and they just simply couldn't get hot enough to produce a truly delicious espresso. With the release of their first version of the Barista Express (BES860XL), however, they started to address this temperature situation and haven't looked back since. Breville's next entry into the home espresso enthusiast space was the beloved Dual Boiler (BES900XL) , which was a truly magnificent leap forward for the company in terms of temperature control and functionality. What they learned from developing that machine, they applied to the budget-friendly Infuser (BES840XL) about a year later, and what they learned from developing the Infuser, they then incorporated into the next iteration of the Barista Express (BES870XL): Namely, the thermocoil and PID temperature technology. Since the new Barista Express has some great features like simple PID temperature control and an integrated grinder, folks often ask us how it compares to its larger, yet somewhat-similarly featured compatriot, the Dual Boiler. First off, of course, it's got it's own grinder and it doesn't brew and steam at the same time like the Dual Boiler does, but there are a few other functional differences as well. The end cup of coffee, however, is remarkably similar ... so it may just be your budget that casts the deciding vote. Watch as Gail takes us through a feature and technology comparison of these two machines, then shows us how they perform side by side.