It's hard not to love Breville espresso machines, with their brushed stainless steel casing and smaller footprint. However, once you've decided this is the brand for you, how do you know which espresso maker to choose? While these machines might look pretty similar, they all are slightly different. Perhaps we can help you narrow down the options. At the request of a viewer, we had Gail fire up the Breville Dual Boiler (BES900XL) and the Breville Infuser (BES840XL) and compare both machines side by side. The main difference between the machines is that the two boilers found inside the BES900XL allow you to brew your shot while simultaneously steaming your milk, and the built in PID lets you adjust the brew temperature for different roasts. While the BES840XL also has a PID to guarantee a stable temperature for shots. Since this machine has a thermocoil heating system, you also will not be able to steam and brew at the same time. However, the Infuser does have a considerably lower price than the Dual Boiler, which goes to show you can save money and still get a great espresso machine. Of course this wouldn't be a true comparison without sampling the final product. Watch as Gail lays down some facts about the two machines and makes a cappuccino on each one.
Breville Compare: Dual Boiler vs. Infuser Espresso Machines
dual boiler