Brew Tips: How to Make a Macchiato

Written by Kaylie
Marketing Creator
Published on Nov 6, 2014
Kaylie is a specialty coffee enthusiast with a passion for testing and reviewing everything from coffee drink recipes to brand new espresso machines.
Brew Tips: How to Make a Macchiato

Sarah and Dori are back (at the same bat time on the same bat channel) and ready to share their brew tips with you! Up this time is the macchiato, but not the one drenched in caramel that you are accustomed to seeing in a big chain coffee shop. While, admittedly, those are delicious, this is an old fashioned foamed milk and espresso type o' macchiato. Composed of two parts espresso to one part foamed milk. And by "foamed milk" we really mean either the foam off the top of the milk or really, really well frothed milk. So milky coffee lovers may want to look at a cappuccino to get their espresso beverage fix!

How to Make a Macchiato

1) Clear the extra water out of the steam wand. 2) Follow our steps for frothing milk for a cappuccino (yes, even though you are making a macchiato) when preparing your milk. 3) As you froth your milk, keep in mind that you should be expanding it quite a bit and incorporating in as much air as you can. Remember: We're looking for that milk foam! 4) Clean up that steam wand while you pull your espresso shot. 5) Give your frothing pitcher a firm tap against the counter and swirl to incorporate the foam into the milk. 6) For a macchiato with very foamed milk, pour the milk directly on top of the espresso shot. For a macchiato with a dollop of foam, let the milk sit for a minute to let it separate from the foam (or don't tap and swirl initially) and then spoon a few tablespoons onto the espresso shot. You can be as pro as Sarah and Dori, too. Just watch the video below and then follow the foolproof steps to macchiato mania!

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