Crew Review: Durgol Descaling Solution

Written by Kat
The Espresso Afficionado
Published on Nov 13, 2012
Kat is a passionate coffee enthusiast and seasoned blogger. Read her posts for insights on brew methods, coffee recipes, and machine reviews.
Crew Review: Durgol Descaling Solution

If espresso machines had a kryptonite, it would be scale build-up. This silent killer will degrade your machine's performance over time -- inhibiting steam performance, disabling valve functionality so that leaking begins and, eventually, contributing to boiler burn out. Your options in battling it are to use a filtration system, softener or a combination thereof ... or to just plan on regularly descaling the machine.

One descaling solution on the market is the liquid formula produced by Durgol. Available in two different formats -- one for coffee makers and one for espresso machines -- these are very effective and easy to use solutions. Watch as Gail talks to us about their formulation and then demonstrates how to use it on the Saeco Aroma.

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