Crew Review: Pallo Cleaning Tools

Written by Kat
The Espresso Afficionado
Published on Oct 25, 2013
Kat is a passionate coffee enthusiast and seasoned blogger. Read her posts for insights on brew methods, coffee recipes, and machine reviews.
Crew Review: Pallo Cleaning Tools

Keeping your coffee equipment clean doesn't have to feel like a chore! Pallo's purpose-built tools make short work of this sometimes unsavory task. Their array of gear includes:

  • The Grindminder - designed to clean up all the gritty little grinds that get in / around your grinder and keep it so fresh and so clean!
  • The Steamy Wanda - if steam wands had a best friend and / or patron saint, it would be this tool.
  • The Coffeetool - available in a variety of colors, this is your go-to brew head cleaning tool -- brush, detergent measuring tool and steam wand hole cleaner.
  • The Caffeine Wrench - this little dude does it all, from popping out filter baskets to popping open a cool post-cleaning celebratory beer!
Watch as Bunny shows us these fun and highly useful tools!

Crew Review: Pallo Cleaning Tools

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