Crew Review: Rocket Espresso Boxer

Written by Brendan
Content Creator
Published on Sep 14, 2015
Brendan is a professional coffee taster with a deep passion for discovering the complexities of every bean.
Crew Review: Rocket Espresso Boxer

The Rocket Espresso Boxer commercial espresso machines are the latest set of machines that have impressed us. The Rocket Espresso Boxer comes in a one group version and a two group version, perfectly suited for any volume. Rocket Espresso takes pride in their finished design, keeping with their iconic contemporary look for these machines. The stainless steel and aluminum finish will look great in any environment and truly give your customers something to look at. Both machines come with two cooltouch stainless steel steam wands. Something you won't find on many one group machines. The steaming power on these machines won't disappoint either. Be sure to check out the Crew Review videos below for a demonstration of the steaming capabilities!

Both Rocket Espresso Boxer models have microprocessor controlled electronics, allowing you to program your drinks volumetrically. The Boxer 1 group allows for four individual volumes to be programmed, while the Boxer 2 group allows for up to eight different volumes. The Rocket Espresso Boxer also has a manual switch to bypass all the electronic programming. This is a great feature that will keep your down time to minimum, should your electronics ever fail. Be sure to watch the full Crew Reviews below! Have any questions? Connect with our commercial team here.

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