Crew Review: Saeco Xelsis One-Touch Espresso Machine - Redux!

Written by Kat
The Espresso Afficionado
Published on May 22, 2013
Kat is a passionate coffee enthusiast and seasoned blogger. Read her posts for insights on brew methods, coffee recipes, and machine reviews.
Crew Review: Saeco Xelsis One-Touch Espresso Machine - Redux!

It's true that when you spend more time with someone you love, you learn more about them -- their talents, their foibles, their stories, their jokes. And that same kind of familiarity can grow with inanimate objects, too, especially one as sophisticated as the Saeco Xelsis one-touch superautomatic espresso machine. Sure, it doesn't have any tall tales or crazy puns to lay on you, but it does have an arsenal of mad skills, a couple of flaws and a few get-to-know-you functions that only really come to the forefront after you've had it on your countertop for a few years. That's why we asked Gail to take another look at this popular espresso machine. After playing with, demonstrating and using this machine for a few years, she knows a lot more about it than when she first used it. Find out her refreshed opinion of this glamorous machine in this updated crew review.

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