Let us introduce you to the hardest working robot in the business: Zipwhip's Textpresso! This super-modified Jura Impressa XS90 shows off Zipwhip's cloud-based texting service by allowing you to text an order to the machine and have it automatically craft it for you. Without leaving your desk/couch/hot tub, thankfully. If you needed a one-touch superautomatic espresso machine that is even more automated, then this little number will make all your dreams come true. Watch as Gail and Allison visit with Zipwhip's John and Kelsey, who walk us through how they modified the machine and then craft two drinks at the touch of Gail and Allison's cell phones.
If you want to learn more detail about how they created the Textpresso, check out their blog; or if you're interested in making your own little java robot powered by text message, it'd probably be a good idea to start by signing up for Zipwhip's service.Field Trip: Zipwhip's Textspresso Machine
espresso machine
espresso machines
superautomatic espresso machine