A few weeks ago, the coffee news world was inundated by newspaper and blog reports regarding a study that stipulated the discovery of a cause-effect relationship between high caffeine intake and the possibility of experiencing hallucinations. When we read through the study, however, we felt it to be lacking any truly cause-and-effect data and it seemed the sample group was too small and specific to imply any accurate general population claims. And we're not the only ones! One of our favorite study assessment sites, The British Medical Journal came to the same conclusions -- and many more -- regarding this study's accuracy and data collection process. If you were confused or alarmed by the recent news, reviewing the study is well worth the read. So, we're not saying that you won't hallucinate if you drink 15 cups of coffee in a 24 hour period, but we do think your daily java habit is highly unlikely to inspire deep conversations with an imaginary Marvin the Martian.