Hot Blog on Vlog Action: TamperTantrum

Written by Kat
The Espresso Afficionado
Published on May 21, 2009
Kat is a passionate coffee enthusiast and seasoned blogger. Read her posts for insights on brew methods, coffee recipes, and machine reviews.
Hot Blog on Vlog Action: TamperTantrum

In this episode of our hot action, we're going to talk about something a little different: The video log.

A newly launched effort featuring UK roaster Steve Leighton and Dublin barista Colin Harmon, TamperTantrum is targeted towards home espresso enthusiasts that might consider themselves in the 'prosumer' arena -- folks interested in bridging the gap between professional espresso skill and home espresso experience. The first episode is a little long, but worth the watch and we're definitely looking forward to future videos!

Tamper Tantrum from Stephen Leighton on Vimeo.

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