A Look Inside A Breville Oracle

Written by Brendan
Content Creator
Published on May 7, 2015
Brendan is a professional coffee taster with a deep passion for discovering the complexities of every bean.
A Look Inside A Breville Oracle

In case you haven't noticed, we like to take things apart here at Seattle Coffee Gear. So anytime we are offered a Breville Oracle that is cut in half, we obviously take it. And now we get to share it with you! The Breville Oracle is a cross between a super-automatic and a semi-automactic espresso machine. Which means we knew there would be parts inside we had never seen before! Gail was particularly interested in looking at the auto tamping machinery. And of course it was just as cool as we imagined. Take a look at the video below to see what the insides of the Breville Oracle looks like! You will not be disappointed.

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