Bonavita is a longstanding staple of the drip coffee brewing world. Their coffee makers are a great way to ensure that you’re getting a great morning cup without breaking the bank. It’s been a while since we’ve seen a new offering from Bonavita, but we’re excited to say that their new Enthusiast Coffee Maker is here, and it’s available in glass and stainless carafe variants.
Simple and Clear
Using the Bonavita Enthusiast couldn’t be easier. This machine features a removable water tank to make filling up before brews simpler than ever. It also features markings to track how much water you’ve poured, with coffee ratio recommendations on the tank to help you fill it to just the right amount for your volume.
The filter basket is equally easy to use, with the standard filter size one that’s easy to source from your local grocery store.
The Enthusiast is also easy to operate once your beans and coffee are loaded. With buttons for brewing and blooming it’s always clear which step you’re on, and separate power and descale buttons help you understand exactly what your machine is doing.
Finally, glass and thermal carafe options mean that you can get the exact method of coffee holding that you prefer. Both carafes are high quality - with the thermal carafe keeping coffee hot for hours, and the glass carafe model featuring a heating plate that will do the same.
Gold Cup Quality
The most important question for any coffee maker is does it make good coffee, and we can say with certainty that the answer for the Enthusiast is yes. The main thing that matters for drip brewers is temperature consistency. Proper heat is required to effectively brew coffee, and this is what separates cheaper brewers from the good ones.
Most cheap coffee makers boil water and then dump it on the grounds, so you get boiling water that scorches the coffee first, that then cools and doesn’t effectively extract the coffee later in the brew process. Machines like the Bonavita Enthusiast have a high quality heating element that maintains the water temperature throughout the brewing process, keeping the extraction even and accurate. The wide-spray shower head ensures even water spread throughout the bed of coffee as well, so you know you’ll get a perfect pot without pooling.
Is This the Machine for You?
So is the Bonavita Enthusiast for you? If you need lots of careful customization and tweaking of your brew, the Enthusiast may not fit the bill. However, If you’re looking for a machine that’s simple to use without sacrificing quality, it might just be!