MyPressi TWIST 2.0

Written by Kat
The Espresso Afficionado
Published on Jan 5, 2011
Kat is a passionate coffee enthusiast and seasoned blogger. Read her posts for insights on brew methods, coffee recipes, and machine reviews.
MyPressi TWIST 2.0

You know we really dug the first version of the MyPressi TWIST, and they recently tweaked it a bit to improve its overall durability and functionality. The updated, 2.0 version includes the following improvements:

  • Compatibility with CO2 canisters.
  • 400% stronger connection between the spouts and the lower bowl.
  • 20% increase in trigger strength.
  • Better, tighter fit between lower bowl and the frame
  • Strengthened main frame
  • Improved top cap with additional catches to prevent any chance of the user forcing it open under pressure.
  • More standardized torque on top caps and water bowls
  • Improvement to end cap
  • Change-out to TPV for top cap and water bowl to improve material flexibility, thermal insulation and user feel
  • Improved 3-layer pressurized basket to keep espresso temperature much hotter and prevent splash back within the lower bowl (solution in testing now)
  • Better temp control.
  • ID on water bowl to allow user to count shots.
This version was introduced in the fall but we needed to sell out of our 1.0 versions first! You can still pick up one of those at a smokin' deal (while supplies last) or you can take the step up to the 2.0 now. This is easily our favorite portable espresso maker -- stay tuned for our video comparing the two versions.

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