You know we really dug the first version of the MyPressi TWIST, and they recently tweaked it a bit to improve its overall durability and functionality. The updated, 2.0 version includes the following improvements:
- Compatibility with CO2 canisters.
- 400% stronger connection between the spouts and the lower bowl.
- 20% increase in trigger strength.
- Better, tighter fit between lower bowl and the frame
- Strengthened main frame
- Improved top cap with additional catches to prevent any chance of the user forcing it open under pressure.
- More standardized torque on top caps and water bowls
- Improvement to end cap
- Change-out to TPV for top cap and water bowl to improve material flexibility, thermal insulation and user feel
- Improved 3-layer pressurized basket to keep espresso temperature much hotter and prevent splash back within the lower bowl (solution in testing now)
- Better temp control.
- ID on water bowl to allow user to count shots.