K Kat

Recipe: 'Twas a Dark & Stormy Night

Sep 22, 2011 · Legacy · monin · recipes
Recipe: 'Twas a Dark & Stormy Night

We admit it: Any time we encounter a fully loaded elevator, we think to ourselves '...room for one more...' and then envision it plummeting to the bottom of the building right after we get on. If you spent a little too much time reading and re-reading Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark as a child (no comment), you might be looking for a drink that is both sweet and fuerte -- something that will keep you on your toes and alert lest the scratch, scratch, scratch from the basement threatens to drive you mad. Ingredients

Directions Combine the sauce and syrup together, mix well. Add the espresso and incorporate, then top with steamed milk. Wrap your jittery fingers around the steaming mug and ignore the thunder, lightening and phantasms at the door.

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