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Roast of the Month: Toby's Costa Rica Santa Teresa 2000

Oct 2, 2018 · coffee · Export · news · roast of the month · roasters
Roast of the Month: Toby's Costa Rica Santa Teresa 2000

Welcome to October's Roast of the Month, featuring Toby's Estate Costa Rica Santa Teresa 2000!

Sweet and Creamy

This roast is a true winner when it comes to balancing sweetness and mouthfeel. The beans in this coffee were processed using a technique called "honey-process". This is similar to the honeyed process you may have learned about in the past, where some cherry is left on the bean while drying. The "white" part of the term refers to the amount of mucilage left on the bean, and the length of time it is given to ferment. The result of this process and the roasting technique is a flavor profile similar to that of a natural, but less intense. For this roast, that means delicious sweet notes of caramel apple and cherry soda, alongside creamier, chocolatey notes. What we love most about this roast is the way these flavors bend around the palate. It makes for an intensely satisfying mouthfeel and a taste you'll want to experience again and again. As is often the case with naturals and honey processed roasts, brew method is key. We recommend trying this roast as a pourover first, to really get the most out of it. This brew method will give you a clearer understanding of the roast's notes. From there, try dialing it in to your espresso machine or press! Just avoid using these beans in a super-auto. While not very oily for a honey-process coffee, we still recommend sticking to blends in these machines to prevent clogging. Grab your bag of Toby's Estate—Costa Rica Santa Teresa 2000 here!

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