Please note: SCG Rewards are no longer used as of 2018. This article is retained for historical/legacy purposes.
Your cart let's you know how many points you'll earn and how to redeem them!
Note: Commercial products and customers are excluded from earning reward points - sorry!
For more details on how the program works, check out Just leave the box checked to become a part of SCG Rewards!
How Do You Redeem Rewards? You'll need a minimum of $5 to redeem on an order, at which point you'll be able to apply them as a payment during checkout. If you're logged in, your cart will let you know how many points you currently have and will remind you how to apply them if you've reached the minimum.
How Excited Are We? We're going to be really honest here: We squeal a little bit every time SCG Rewards get brought up around the office. We've wanted to implement something like this for awhile and we've put a lot of thought into the earning and redemption process. Our sincerest hope is that you like the program and that it provides value to you. After all, this is our 'thank you hug' substitute! To get started today, just start shopping! If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us via phone or email - we're here for you!

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