rocket giotto Articles
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Compare: Rocket R58 vs. Rocket Hx Espresso Machines
For years now, we have had a deep and abiding love for Rocket Espresso's heat exch...- Oct 2, 2012

SCG Tech Tips: Espresso Machine Maintenance & Care
So you've finally pulled together the courage to add up how much you've been spend...- Feb 22, 2012

SCG's Most Popular Coffee Gear - 2011
Not that we're encouraging you to keep up with the Joneses, but if you're in the m...- Jan 24, 2012

What's the Difference Between the Rocket Espresso Gauges?
A fairly consistent customer question is why Rocket Espresso's Premium Plus models...- May 2, 2011

Espresso Machine Maintenance with Urnex
Keeping your equipment sparkling clean is just as important as the freshness of yo...- Apr 15, 2011

Rocket v. Silvia
If you drop $1k more on your espresso machine, is there a discernible difference a...- Apr 12, 2011

What Makes for a Good Trade-in at Seattle Coffee Gear?
Our espresso machine trade in and recycle program is pretty darn popular, but we o...- Feb 28, 2011

Metric Plumbing Adapter
To plumb in your Rocket Professional or Evoluzione espresso machines, you receive ...- Jan 24, 2011

New! Seattle Coffee Gear's Guide to Rocket Espresso DVD
We are squealing like a gaggle of teenage girls outside a Guns n Roses concert a l...- Nov 30, 2010

Steam Test: Non-Fat vs. 2% vs. Whole Milks
Silky milky! We tested out non-dairy milks to see how well they produced microfoam...- Jun 25, 2010

Field Trip: Uesugi USA - Recycling Center
Where do espresso machines and coffee makers go to die? Not in the landfill, if we...- Jun 22, 2010

Ask the Experts: Which Machines Need to be Backflushed?
Cleaning and maintenance is a hot topic in this neck o' the woods, but some folks ...- May 28, 2010