When you have an excellent tech resource like Brendan around, you sometimes have to just lock him in a room with a bunch of superautomatics and force him to teach you his ways of diagnostics and troubleshooting! Okay, we really didn't have to lock him in the room -- he was more than willing to share his expertise with us -- but we did spend an afternoon with him as he explained the Saeco Talea Giro's test mode and errors for us. As you may have learned from our other forays into Test Mode, this is a wonderfully helpful tool that you can use to run each functional element of your superautomatic separately, without making coffee, in order to determine what might be the cause of an issue with the machine. Is your machine not brewing because the pump isn't working, or are you simply grinding your coffee too finely? You can find out by running the pump to see if water comes out of the machine, sans coffee. After he guides us through Test Mode, Brendan then dives into the Talea Giro's more cryptic errors and alarms -- since it doesn't have a display screen and only a series of symbols and lights to communicate any issues it might be having, it can sometimes be difficult to interpret. He gives us a few tips and tricks in understanding what the errors mean and how you might be able to easily resolve them.
Tech Tip: Saeco Talea Giro Test Mode & Troubleshooting