The Great Espresso Machine Boiler Draining Compendium

Written by Kat
The Espresso Afficionado
Published on Mar 18, 2013
Kat is a passionate coffee enthusiast and seasoned blogger. Read her posts for insights on brew methods, coffee recipes, and machine reviews.
The Great Espresso Machine Boiler Draining Compendium

We have folks asking us often how they should prep their espresso machine for storage, transport or shipping. Possibly the most important thing to do is to make sure all of the water is gone from the internal boiler and waterworks. How you do this differs depending on the type of espresso machine you have. We asked Gail to break it down for us in four separate videos, each tailored for different boiler styles. If you need a walkthrough, find your machine type below and watch her take us through it!

Single Boiler Espresso Machine
Superautomatic Espresso Machine
Heat Exchange Espresso Machine
Double Boiler Espresso Machine

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