P Patrick Cotter

Video Roundup: 3/13/2020

Mar 13, 2020
Video Roundup: 3/13/2020

Hello Coffee fans! It's Friday and time for another video roundup! We have a selection of awesome videos to share this week, so let's dig right in: Firs up, John took a look at both the Mazzer Super Jolly and the Eureka Zenith 65 E in an informative Commercial Crew Review: Next, Allie offered up some tips and tricks for getting the most out of the Rocket Espresso Giotto Timer Evoluzione R! And finally, Allie and I gave some thoughts on our delicious Roast of the Month, Tony's Ethiopia Banko Dhadhato: That's all for now! We hope you're staying safe out there and enjoying a warm cup of coffee this weekend.

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