Camellia Coffee Roasters

Established in 2015 as a wholesale roaster, Camellia Coffee Roasters expanded into the cafe scene in 2018. The team at Camellia has close-knit relationships with green bean importers; working to ensure above fair trade pricing for its coffee. With a fo...

Established in 2015 as a wholesale roaster, Camellia Coffee Roasters expanded into the cafe scene in 2018. The team at Camellia has close-knit relationships with green bean importers; working to ensure above fair trade pricing for its coffee. With a focus on ethical sourcing, transparency, and roasting coffee with care and respect, Camellia prides themselves on being a high quality coffee company that doesn’t take itself too seriously. They know if you work diligently towards exceptional goals and keep things simple and honest, everybody wins.

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