Ascaso Dream (2017) Tune Up Product User Manuals And Instructions PDF

Thank you for purchasing Seattle Coffee Gear's Ascaso Dream Tune-Up Kit! This kit provides everything you need for regular 6 month machine maintenance. Detailed instructions, replacement parts, and cleaning supplies will keep your machine at its peak performance. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our crew at 866.372.4734 or

Product Resource Details

Included Parts:

  • Brew head spring and ball valve, brew head screw (3), steam wand gasket, pod gasket, brew head gasket, shower holder gasket, shower screen and screw, 2 packets of Dezcal, Descaling Guide Required


• Phillips screwdriver (short: Under 4” long)


Tip: It may be easiest to remove your water tank and drip tray, and turn your entire machine upside down to access the brew head.

  1. Step One: Access the brew screen
    • Remove the Phillips screw that is holding the brew head screen in place.
  2. Step Two: Access the diffuser with the brew head spring and valve
    • After removing the brew head screen, unscrew the next three screws. Set aside the two components attached to these screws: the diffuser and the brew head spring with the ball valve. You’ll be replacing these parts later.
  3. Step Three: Replace the shower holder gasket and the brew head gasket
    • If you look up where the diffuser was sitting, you will see your shower holder gasket and brew head gasket, both of which you will be replacing. Remove both old gaskets and replace with the new ones included in the kit. You might need to bend the brew head gasket a little bit to get it in place.
  4. Step Four: Replace the pod gasket
    • Remove the old pod gasket from the diffuser. The old gasket may have a snug fit, to remove it you may need to carefully pry up an edge.
    • Clean the diffuser with a group head brush and install the new pod gasket.
  5. Step Five: Replace the brew head spring and ball valve
    • Place the new brew head spring and ball valve in your diffuser, making sure the ball valve is on top of the spring, with the bottom of the spring making contact with the diffuser. Alternatively, if your machine is upside down, you can drop the brew head spring into the brew head with the ball valve out, and seat the diffuser into the brew head.
    • Screw the diffuser back onto the brew head with the three new screws.
    • Screw on the new shower screen with the included shower screen screw.
    • If you have turned your machine upside down, it can be righted to complete your tune up.
  6. Step Six: Replace the steam wand gaskets
    • Remove the panarello sleeve and the two gaskets on the wand under the sleeve.
    • Clean your wand thoroughly and replace the two gaskets that are underneath the sleeve. Three gaskets were included because they can break during installation.
    Tip: It is easiest to slide the lowest gasket in place, then slide the upper gasket over it to prevent breakage.
  7. Step Seven: Descale your machine
    • Please refer to the Descaling Guide for detailed instructions on using Dezcal

Your Tune-Up is Complete!


Founded in 1962 by Jesus Ascaso, Ascaso has garnered acclaim for their high-performing espresso hardware. Combining retro style with functional engineering, Ascaso espresso machines optimize all aspects of production to craft great-tasting espresso in a matter of seconds. If you’re looking for a genuine Spanish espresso maker, Ascaso is a great choice. Check out our line of Ascaso espresso machines here at Seattle Coffee Gear Today!

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