Breville Bambino Plus Product User Manuals And Instructions PDF

Get ready to savor the rich flavors and aromas of café-quality espresso in the comfort of your own home with the Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine.

Product Resource Details

First Use

  1. Remove the water tank and fill with potable water to the indicated MAX line. Replace the water tank onto the machine.
  2. Ensure that the drip tray is correctly positioned on the machine.
  3. Plug the power cord in the power outlet, and the 1 Cup button illuminates.
  4. Press the 1 CUP button and the machine will commence its first use cycle.
  5. Once complete, the machine will go into ready mode and all lights will be illuminated.

Filling the Water Tank

Lift the water tank from the machine. Remove the water tank lid and add potable water to the water tank, filling to the MAX marking indicated.

Replace the water tank onto the machine, ensuring it is properly attached and sitting flush against the back of the machine.

If the 1 CUP, 2 CUP and STEAM buttons illuminate, the water tank has been correctly attached.

The machine will detect when the water level is low. The 1 CUP, 2 CUP and STEAM buttons will not be illuminated.

When this occurs, add water to the water tank. Once there is sufficient water, all buttons will be illuminated and the machine can be used.


This machine includes both single and dual wall 1 Cup and 2 Cup filter baskets. Use the 1 cup filter basket when brewing a single cup and the 2 cup filter baskets when brewing 2 cups or a stronger single cup or mug. Adjust the grind amount and size if switching from a single basket to a double basket, or vice versa. The provided filter baskets are designed for:

1 Cup filter basket = 8-11g

2 Cup filter basket = 16-19g

Single Wall Filter Baskets

Single Wall filter baskets should be used when grinding fresh whole coffee beans roasted less than 30 days. These single wall filter baskets allows you to experiment with grind, dose and tamp to create a more balanced espresso. 1 CUP

Dual Wall Filter Baskets

Dual Wall filter baskets should be used when using pre-ground coffee and older beans that are past the 30 day roast date. These dual wall f ilter baskets regulate the pressure and helps to optimise the extraction regardless of the grind, dose and tamp pressure or freshness.


Breville’s range of espresso machines, drip brewers, and grinders seek to make gourmet coffee easier in the home. From the perfect starter espresso machine to smart, powerful brewers, Breville brings something for everyone. Founded in 1932, Breville is known for producing espresso machines, drip brewers, and grinders that embrace usability without sacrificing performance.

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