Everpure 4CB5-S Water Filter Cartridge

Everpure 4CB5-S Water Filter image
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  • Scale Inhibitor - Uses a sanitary solution to reduce limescale build up and prevent against scaling.
  • Micron Rating of 5.00 - Blocks bacteria and sediment over 5 microns in size.
  • Capacity for 6,000 Gallons - We recommend changing this filter out once every six months, leaving you with about 1,000 gallons of filtered water every month!
  • Max Flow Rate of 1.67 GPM - With over 1.5 gallons of water output available per minute, coffee should always flow at the door at a steady pace.
  • Use a 3/8" water line - Compatible with the QL2 filter head


Give your water a sparkly clean sheen with the Everpure 4CB5-S Water Filter. This filter will do just about everything but refill the tank for you. Capable of filtering through bacteria down to 5 microns in size, this filter will strip your water of essentially everything that's not meant for your cup. The 4CB5-S will also reduce limescale buildup in your water tank, which will save on maintenance fees and overall downtime in the future. This filter is not recommended for use with espresso machines, however, because of the solution it uses to descale. For the small traditional coffee house, or for use with water towers - this filter should do the trick.

  • Manufacturer: Everpure
  • Model Number: EV961721
  • Dimensions:
    • Width: 3.25 inches
    • Height: 14.50 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 5 lbs

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