P Pat Cotter

2022 Holiday Gift Guide - Espresso Experts

Nov 9, 2022 · accessories · coffee · diletta · espresso · gift guide · grinders
2022 Holiday Gift Guide - Espresso Experts

Do you have someone on your holiday shopping list that’s already an espresso expert? It may seem like they have it all, but we’ve got the gift guide for you. Check out these great ideas for the home espresso enthusiast on your list!

Extraordinary Accessories

One thing that every espresso expert needs is a knockbox. While your giftee may have a basic place to eject their pucks, the St. Anthony Industries the Bloc knockbox will definitely be an upgrade. This knockbox has spots to hold a tamper and distribution tool, plus it can even be used as a tamping station too. That makes it the perfect gift for anyone working without a lot of room for their espresso gear. What’s a distribution tool? The BT Wedge, also from St. Anthony Industries is a great example. These tools help to evenly distribute grounds in a portafilter. This helps to provide even shot extraction. It may be extravagant, but we promise this tool really does help you take up your espresso game by a notch! Another higher end gift that might make the perfect group purchase is the Acaia Lunar espresso scale. This scale is compact and water resistant, allowing it to be used as a platform for a shot glass. The result is hyper accurate shot measurement to really perfect your espresso. We love this scale and think it’s a must have item for any espresso enthusiast’s arsenal. It even has built in functions like a shot timer. Finally, where would any espresso enthusiast be without drinkware? The notNeutral Vero Cortado glass is a perfect option for your cortados, your double shots, ristrettos, or any shorter espresso drink.

The Big Stuff

If your giftee is looking for an espresso grinder upgrade then we’ve got the perfect option: The Eureka Mignon Specialita. This grinder combines incredible performance with its high end motor and 55mm flat steel burrs with usability and attention to detail. Built to last - the components used to assemble this grinder are impressive, and we have seen them last many years. Timed dosing on a high contrast screen and precision stepless adjust solidify this as the last grinder they’ll ever need. But maybe they need more than just a grinder? If your giftee is ready for a machine upgrade then they should take a look at the Diletta Bello semi-automatic espresso machine. This heat-exchanger machine offers prosumer performance without commercial prices. The Bello’s hands on controls give you the power to brew and steam at the same time. This brewer also features a heated E61 group head, which helps ensure temperature stability through the shot pulling process by keeping the portafilter itself hot.

Don’t Forget the Coffee!

And of course, every espresso enthusiast needs coffee! Our collaboration with Camber Coffee, Dialed In, makes a great gift and is perfect for espresso. We’ve also got an incredible subscription program that you can easily send as a gift as well! Check out our whole coffee offering and we’re sure you’ll find some great gift options for people all over your gift list. Check out our video guide to see all of this gear up close!

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