When you have to stay up all night to deliver goodies around the globe, you need a sufficient amount of caffeine to stay legit. After all, you don't want to run that sleigh off the road, do you? Or deliver an arsenal of presents to a small child who was naughty, and a trove of coal to another who was nice? No way! You want to stay alert and on point. This is where a magical elixir that combines the energy-enhancing properties of both caffeine and sugar comes in. Yes, you could stick with a classic espresso shot or thermos of freshly brewed drip coffee, but why not put a little cheer in your cheer? With an infusion of spice in the form of Monin's Chai Tea Concentrate and Gingerbread syrups, balanced by a little cream, this coffee recipe takes a simple pot of java and elevates it to something altogether more festive. And even if you're not traveling around the world delivering goodies near and far, you may still find this brew will properly motivate you through a long night of seemingly endless dollhouse construction and bicycle wrapping. Watch Brandi brew up a batch!