Oh, Miss Silvia! A beloved home espresso machine among many a household, she can pull an espresso shot like nobody's business. However, like other single boiler espresso machines, you need to do a bit of temperature surfing after steaming your milk in order to get a quality shot of espresso. Unlike regular surfing, though, you don't need to wear a bathing suit, so that's pretty sweet. Why do you need to temperature surf? Well, steam temperature is right around 212 degrees F, whereas brewing temperature is between 195-205 degrees F. If you steam your milk and jump immediately into the brewing process, you're at far too hot a temperature for a tasty shot of espresso. Yes, it will still pull the shot, but there will be plenty of burned taste to be had! Luckily, Gail and Brendan are here to walk us through the simple process in the video below. And let's try to keep daydreaming about the beach to a minimum, shall we?
Tech Tips: Temperature Surfing on the Rancilio Silvia
Nov 10, 2014
tech tips